Contact us
Često postavljena pitanja:
Da li se može rezervisati oprema?
-Opremu možete rezervisati online putem linka
Cijena iznajmljivanja opreme?
-Cjenovnik možete pogledati ovdje
Radno vrijeme?
-Radno vrijeme ski rentala je od 08:00 do 16:00h. Za vrijeme noćnog skijanja radno vrijeme je od 18:00 do 21:00h.
Da li imate ski opremu za djecu?
-U našem rentalu možete iznajmiti ski opremu za djecu uzrasta 3+ godina.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can equipment be reserved?
- You can reserve equipment online through the link.
What is the cost of renting equipment?
- You can view the price list here.
What are the working hours?
- The ski rental's working hours are from 08:00 to 16:00. During night skiing, the working hours are from 18:00 to 21:00.
Do you have ski equipment for children?
- In our rental, you can rent ski equipment for children aged 3+ years